New Brighton Methodist Church Preschool
1033 6th Avenue New Brighton, PA 15066
Kathy Walsh - 724-494-8168
Ages 3-4 / Mon - Wed - Fri
1pm to 3pm
Ages 4-5 / Mon through Fri
9am - 11:30am
The New Brighton Methodist Preschool was started in 1970 and was the first preschool in the Beaver Valley. We provide a Christian based preschool while preparing your child for the next step.
To register please click the "Register Now" button below.
For any questions please contact our Preschool Director here.

The NBMC Preschool follows the New Brighton School District calendar. Students are provided with Christian based lessons on social skill development, basic letter recognition, number recognition, colors, and a variety of other basic educational skills.
Programs in which the students can display their skills to their families occur at the end of the winter and spring semesters. The preschool works closely with the New Brighton School District to provide a smooth transition to kindergarten.