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What is Mary's Magnificat?


The Magnificat, also known as the Song of Mary, is a hymn of praise from the Gospel of Luke. It is spoken by the Virgin Mary upon learning that she will bear the son of God, Jesus Christ. The Magnificat is a powerful expression of Mary's faith and humility, as well as her recognition of the power and goodness of God.

In the Magnificat, Mary declares that God has looked upon her with favor and that she is blessed among women. She expresses her joy and gratitude for the Lord's goodness and mercy, and acknowledges that God's strength is made perfect in weakness. She also speaks of God's plan to exalt the humble and bring down the arrogant, prideful and those who abuse power, and that He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty.

The Magnificat also reflects on how God is fulfilling his promises to the Israelites as Mary is carrying Jesus, and how the coming of Jesus will bring salvation to all people, regardless of their status or background. Through the Magnificat, Mary declares her faith in God's plan and in the coming of the Messiah, whom she recognizes as the savior.

One of the most striking aspects of the Magnificat is its powerful call for the uplifting of the poor and oppressed. Mary's words in the Magnificat reflect a deep understanding of God's justice and mercy, and a belief in the power of God to bring about change in the world.

Throughout history, the Magnificat has been an inspiration for many people, especially for those who are hungry for God's righteousness.

In conclusion, The Magnificat, is a powerful and meaningful text, filled with deep spiritual and theological truths. It speaks to the heart of what it means to be a faithful servant of God, and calls on us to follow Mary's example of humility, faith, and trust in God's plan for salvation.

Don't miss part one of "Our Pride Leads to Destruction - The True Meaning of Mary's Song" available now below!


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