This morning our hearts are heavy and our soul’s morn for the precious lives that were lost in the Texas school shooting. With tragedies such as these, there are never any words or theology that can explain them away--no simple answers or religious quote to make everything better. All we can really do is know that in hard realities and mystery of the relationship between God’s sovereignty and humanities free will, is the opportunity for evil to take place. There is no answer to why this is, only to know that evil will in the course of time present itself in the actions of fallen humanity. However, in the midst of living in a world where evil does exist, we also have the promise from God that this will not always be so—that someday evil will be no more. Additionally, God also promises His presence, His comfort, His love, and His ultimate healing upon all who are suffering—for us who grieve today—and for those beautiful little ones that suffered yesterday. God’s presence, comfort, love, and Healing may not fully destroy evil this day, but He does work His goodness through it.
Therefore today in the midst of our unanswerable questions and tremendous grief, we faithfully pray, for all of those affected and for God to cover them with His healing, comfort and loving presence in order to take away the suffering. Let us pray.
O God, you divided the waters of chaos at the creation of the world, and in Christ you stilled the storms, raised the dead, and brought new life from those that suffer. Today Lord we ask you to take away the evils that surround us, take away the pain of this tragedy, comfort those who are affected, and place your love upon those who need you so greatly at this moment. Let us not wander from faith with unanswerable questions. Help us to trust in your mercy and yield to your power, this day and forever. Amen.