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Bible Study and Answered Prayer


Bible study is the key to answered prayer. This may sound weird to some, considering that they usually view answered prayer in behavioral perspective. Terms like trust, submission, and patience are typically associated to effective prayer. Of course these are behavioral ingredients for answered prayer but they are not the key that unlocks the door of heaven. Mark this very carefully, Jesus said,

“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (Jn. 15:7).

Intimacy with Jesus and Bible study are inseparable. Bible study and love for Jesus show us the harmony of devotion and discipline. They are two sides of the same key that unlocks the blessings of God upon our prayers. When we love Jesus; when we value the majesty and goodness of His person above all else, our perspective to answered prayers becomes radical. That is to say, we view God’s “no,” “yes,” and “wait” to our prayers as all good, wise, powerful, and blessed answers. This is the essence of “not my will but your will be done.” On the other hand, Bible study enlightens us to know and understand why and how God’s no, yes, and wait to our prayers are all good answers to prayers. Thus, if you will think about it carefully, there is no such thing as unanswered prayers in the Christian life. God’s no, yes, and wait are all good, wise, and powerful answers to our prayers.

Devotion from "Christian PLR Articles"

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